Gain A Better Understanding About Cats With These Simple Tips

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Cats are very smart, loving and fun animals but they require some attention. Cats are also a very common household pet, and they are very populated in many areas. You need to learn to live inside with them. Cats are strong, smart, and kind of difficult.

If your cat is pregnant, set up a comfortable, safe place for her to have her kittens. A big cardboard box equipped with a pillow and blanket is good. Place it in the back of a closet or other out of the way place. Keep food and water dishes nearby.

Is your cat constantly munching on your house plants? If so there is a fix for this. Growing oat grass or catnip yourself can help entice your cats away from your plants. Giving them plants that they can eat and like will help draw them to those plants over and over again.

You should be sure to place your pet’s litter box in a good location. Try to keep it away from areas of household traffic and away from your cat’s eating areas. To help control odors place the litter box in a well ventilated area. Both your cat and you will appreciate this.

Cats spend a ton of time grooming themselves. If the cats hair is too long, this is what causes hairballs. There are special foods you can give to your cat to reduce this problem. Certain cat foods are made just for decreasing hairballs, benefiting both your cat and yourself.

Get your cat sprayed and neutered to prevent diseases and infections that form in the reproductive system. This can also help reduce the chance for overpopulation in the country, as just one male who is not neutered can produce up to half a million offspring over the course of his life.

If your cat seems to want to avoid his food bowl, try getting a different kind of bowl. Plastic can sometimes turn a cat off if it isn’t cleaned constantly, and can hold on to certain scents. Try glass or a metal bowl for best results, so your cat will keep eating.

When you are washing a cat litter box, it is a good idea to use basic soap and water. You may think that it would be more sanitary to use a harsh cleaner like bleach or ammonia, but all that will do is create a smell that the cat will find offensive.

If you want a cat to come your way, it may be a good idea for you to refrain from looking at them. Cats do not like it when people look them directly in the eye, so they tend to go the other way. This is why it seems as if cats always gravitate toward people who are not really fond of animals.

Understand your cat’s sounds. Meowing is a form of communication, often for food or to get your attention. There are other sounds, though. Hissing usually indicates fear or anger, so you should stay away. Cats also make certain sounds when they see prey. This often sounds like a chirp. Purring may indicate contentment, but sometimes it means nervousness.

Dogs wag their tails frequently when they are happy or excited to see their owners. Cats wag their tail for a different reason. Tail-wagging in cats tends to suggest conflict or anxiety. Along the same line, if your cat wags its tail while you are holding it, you should put it down to avoid getting scratched.

There are lots of cats out there that do not have homes. Consider adopting one from your local pet agency before heading to the pet store. They usually provide the cat with all of the necessary shots before you adopt them. The cats are also spayed or neutered to prevent pet overpopulation.

There are things you can eat that your cat cannot. Onions, garlic, grapes and green tomatoes are among these foods. They can really hurt a cat if ingested. Dairy, including milk, is also not a good thing to give your cat.

If your cat has been scratching things that they should not have, do not think of declawing them as a good way to deal with the issue. While this surgical procedure would stop them from causing any more damage, it is a very painful procedure and it is pretty difficult to recover from.

If your cat has a problem with frequent hairballs, he may end up with digestive problems, retching and vomiting. The best way to avoid hairballs is to keep your cat well-groomed, brushing him daily to remove loose hair. Less hair means less hairballs. Another benefit of frequent brushing is that is great for bonding with your cat. Most cats love to be brushed and groomed.

There are a few human foods that can be quite dangerous if consumed by a cat. Chocolate and onions are two of the foods out there that can be toxic to cats. You should do all of the research you can to make sure that you are not giving your cat any food that can hurt them.

By applying the tips that you have read, you’ll be outsmarting your cat before you know it. Your cat will quickly learn where it is permitted to be and where it is not. While they’re not as easy to train as a dog, they can be well-trained and be made into well-mannered companions for their owners.

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