The Best Methods For Caring For Your Cat

Must Try

Cats are extremely clean animals that immediately want to remove any filth that they encounter during their day. Naturally, cats will lick themselves and wipe the dirt away with their tiny paws. However, you can do a much more efficient job with the right shampoos and moisturizers inside your own bathroom.

If your cat suddenly goes off its feed for no apparent reason, try tempting treats such as jack mackerel, tuna, or cream of chicken soup in small amounts. These are not complete foods and shouldn’t be fed long term, but they are extremely tasty to cats. A finicky cat may start eating again and keep on when given one of these treats.

Keep your cat groomed. Just like dogs, cats require regular brushing and de-tangling. If you do this frequently you’ll be able to help the cat have clean fur. It will also limit shedding and may cut down on hairballs. A well-groomed feline looks great on their own, but also helps keep a home well-groomed too.

Let kittens and cat-friendly pet dogs get to know each other slowly. Put up a baby gate to keep dogs in one room while your new kitten gets used to its surroundings. Supervise carefully when the kitten ventures to the gate to meet the dogs. When the kitten feels safe, it will climb the gate. If it feels threatened, it will pop right back out to safety.

Choose a high quality food. The key to a healthy cat starts with nutrition. Take a look at the ingredients label. If you look at most “popular” commercial cat foods, you may be surprised to see the top ingredient listed is corn. Cats are carnivores, so look for a food with a real meat as the top ingredient. You may pay more up front, but these foods are often more nutritionally dense, meaning your cat eats less and the bag lasts longer.

Be certain your cat has regular vet visits. Cats need routine annual check-ups and possibly additional ones as well for vaccinations. When the cat seems to be acting abnormally, take it to the vet immediately.

Use petting to check on your cat’s health. Petting isn’t just a way for you and your cat to spend time together, but it’s a great way to find anything abnormal on their body. You can pet them to feel for bumps, lumps, or sores. This is also a great time for you to check their ears.

Do not allow your cat to be bored frequently. Cats need to play and get regular exercise. Sadly, this can be easily overlooked. Bored cats are more prone to depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, as well as many other behavioral issues. Give them lots of space for exercise and plenty of toys they can play with. If they are indoors, give them a scratching post or something to climb on.

Cats can really be so much more than pets, they can be lifelong companions. It has been proven that cats can decrease your blood pressure, lessen the symptoms of depression and help you to live a longer happier life. If you feel like something is missing in your life, you might just need a cat.

When bringing a new kitten home, take it slow. It is tempting for children to want to play with the new addition to your home immediately. But the young cat will likely be scared. Give the cat time to acclimate itself to your home and to get comfortable with everyone.

If your cat relieves itself away from its litter box, do not spring into action with punishment. If your cat makes a mess, it’s probably because their litter box is not properly cared for. If you punish the cat, it may shy away from you at future times.

Help keep your cat’s fur soft and healthy with regular cleaning. While your pet might object violently to a dunk in the bathtub, there are other options. Many pet stores sell feline cleaning wipes. These convenient disposable wipes reduce allergens and remove oils and dirt. Some are scented with chamomile, which helps to calm your cat. These are especially useful if you have an older or injured pet that cannot groom itself properly.

A kitty door is a great way to allow your cat to go in and out, without any help from you. You can also use kitty doors on doors inside your home. This can be great if you have a dog or small children, to keep them out of the room with the litter box.

If a cat is about to give birth, provide them an area that’s spacious. It will take about three to four hours for all of the kittens to come out, so be patient. Bring your cat to her vet immediately if six hours have passed without all the kittens coming out.

Clean your cat’s litter box. Cats will use litter boxes on instinct if they know where to find it. Let your cat go naturally and don’t manually force it to go by putting it in the box or pushing it to scratch the litter. Keep the box in a private place, scoop its contents on a daily basis and give it a periodic wash.

Your cat may be lonely if you return to work after adopting them. Therefore, in order to keep your cat happy and active, you need to consider obtaining another cat.

Most cats do not like water at all and will go crazy if their owner tries placing them in a bath. This is why you have to get the cat accustom to water and teach them that it’s not a bad thing. Once your cat gets a look at its clean, shampooed fur, it’ll never be afraid of water again!

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