Discover All You Need To Know About Jewelry In This Article

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Jewelry is a unique accessory for many people. Jewelry can be used as a fashion accompaniment, being mixed with wardrobes to create stunning combinations that will definitely draw attention to the wearer. Although jewelry can make a great fashion accessory, it is not always easy selecting jewelry that will best fit the wearer. The tips in this article should make it easier.

Sterling silver jewelry makes a great investment. Pieces of jewelry made from sterling silver last for a lifetime and provide endless elegance. Sterling does tarnish, but can be quickly shined up using a polishing cloth. However, pieces of sterling silver jewelry that have specialty coating can last ages without tarnishing.

Store your jewelry in felt. It is always annoying when a piece of your favorite jewelry starts to tarnish. To keep it from tarnishing, just make sure you store it properly. Use a felt bag or even a jewelry box lined with felt. It will help to keep the jewelry from tarnishing.

Comparison shopping is a must when shopping for diamonds. Take a very close look at the piece you like, and then make the comparison to any others on your favorites list. Be alert, since there are various ways to deceive consumers into thinking a diamond is better then it really is.

Native American jewelry has a rich history in American culture. The colorful beads and designs tell stories of generations past. Jewelry was an important part of most Native Americans heritage, with beautiful pieces dating back thousands of years. These same styles and designs are still popular and in high-demand today.

When jewelry shopping, you need to be prepared to carefully look, and inspect anything that you may want to buy. You need to get a loupe. This is a small pocket-sized magnifier that can show you what kind of quality you will be getting. It magnifies the jewelry so that you can inspect it to see if you are getting something of bad quality or good quality.

Before you go to buy jewelry, it is important to view your options before you decide on exactly the style you want. If you make a rash decision, you may regret getting that certain piece in the long run. It is necessary for you to feel connected to the jewelry before you buy it, as it is a reflection of you!

Clean your turquoise jewelry with warm water and a soft toothbrush. Never use chemicals on turquoise, as it is very susceptible to damage. Simply lightly scrubbing it and drying it with a soft dry cloth can keep your turquoise clean and undamaged, allowing it to last much longer than if you were to use any solutions.

Know what to ask your salesperson. Find out if the gemstone you are interested in is natural, synthetic or imitation. Natural gems cost the most because they have a higher cost to attain them. Synthetic gems are man-made and are easier to get, so they are cheaper. Imitations are the cheapest overall, but, of course, they are not be of the best quality.

It is important that you take your jewelry off before you go to bed. Sleeping with your jewelry on causes chains and joints to weaken. This, in turn, causes your jewelry to get damaged more easily. Make sure you take your jewelry off when you go to bed to eliminate undue stress.

In order to keep your jewelry at its best, remove your jewelry before doing house cleaning, going swimming, performing personal care such as using lotion and bathing, or before exposing yourself to extreme heat or cold. The metal in your jewelry can tarnish or even crack if it is exposed to harsh chemicals such as chlorine, or if it is rapidly heated and cooled.

Post pictures of you working in your studio if you are going to sell jewelry online. Many sites buy their pieces abroad and sell them at a higher price. If you do that, be honest and open about it. Using pictures of your studio will show people that you are really selling your work.

Storing jewelry can be the absolute death of its luster, even if you’re storing it in the box it came in. Avoid storing jewelry in only those manufacturer’s boxes and even store-bought jewelry boxes. If you’re storing your items long-term, wrap them up in an airtight container to ensure maximum protection. One of those zippered plastic storage bags, works wonders.

If you have a really expensive piece of jewelry, having a skilled jeweler craft a fake piece identical to the real is a good idea if you’re a frequent traveler. Jewelry is mostly sentimental, so wearing a fake piece on vacation will ensure that you’re keeping the real thing as safe as it can be.

When you are trying to buy jewelry for your girlfriend, get her best friend’s opinion first. It is pretty likely that your girlfriend and her best friend share fashion tips and go shopping together. Her best friend will probably know what styles of jewelry will appeal to your girlfriend, so run your selection past her first. But, make sure if you’re trying to make your gift a surprise, that you swear the girlfriend to secrecy!

Give the gift that allows you to keep on giving. Add-a-pearl and add-a-bead type necklaces and bracelets along with charm bracelets make gift-giving easy! Start your loved one off with the basic chain or bracelet necessary and perhaps a pearl, bead or charm to commemorate the occasion, and with every holiday, birthday or special event in the future, use those opportunities to add to it with additional charms and beads.

Take care when cleaning pearls. They are porous and soft, meaning they can get scratched easily. Clean them with a gentle damp cloth after wearing, and store them in a breathable bag (not plastic). Try to keep them in a room that maintains a regular temperature. Always put your pearl jewelry on after applying lotion or perfume, as contact with these products can diminish the luster.

As stated before in the introduction for this article, jewelry is a unique accessory. Jewelry can be combined with wardrobes to make the wearer look beautiful and elegant, though selecting the right jewelry to do this is not always easy. If you use the tips from this article, you can make selecting jewelry easier.

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