The Right Cat Toys To Keep Them Occupied

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Cats are very fascinating, and they also are great pets. Cat owners need to learn proper cat care and learn all that they can so that their companion can live a fulfilling and healthy life. Read this article carefully if you want great advice on cat care.

Set up a nice, warm and comfortable area for your cat to rest in your home. It should be lined with a warm towel or blanket. Make sure to wash the bedding regularly since it can acquire dust, dander, and anything from outside if your cat is an outdoor cat.

When your female cat is old enough, you should have her spayed. If an indoor cat gets out, you may soon have kittens. You can prevent this by spaying or neutering your cat.

Make sure your cat sees a vet regularly to maintain their good health. Cats should go to a vet at least once each year for a check up, and more frequently for required shots. Cats need to be seen by a vet right away if there are injuries or health problems that don’t go away.

Don’t be pushy when you are getting to know your new cat. Cats prefer to be in control and take things at their own pace. Make sure your new cat is comfortable and safe. Let your cat take its time exploring its new environment. When your cat feels at home, it will be more likely to try to make friends with you.

To keep your cat healthy and strengthen its bond with you, always set aside lots of play time. Kittens especially need lots of attention, which you can easily give to them through play. Pull a piece of string around for a fun and gentle way to keep a cat entertained for hours!

Give your new cat some space. Moving to a new home can be stressful on a cat, especially one who is no longer a kitten. To help them adjust, give them a quiet place that they can call their own, such as a spare bathroom or laundry room. This gives them a safe space they can retreat to until they have become comfortable with exploring the whole house. Depending on the cat, this process may take a few days up to a month or more.

Give your cats easier access to a window in order to keep your curtains from getting scratched. Putting vertical blinds up will allow the easiest access for your cat, but if you need to keep your curtains, use a lightweight rod that will fall if your cat attempts to climb the curtains. It will keep both your curtains and your cat safe.

A cat’s nails can grow really quickly. They sharpen their nails by scratching on different surfaces like a scratching post. You can help avoid your cat destroying your furniture by clipping their nails often. This will help to discourage your cat from scratching at different things around your house.

Put the right amount of cat litter in the litter box. Some people try to get out of cleaning the box by putting too much litter in there. Cats don’t like walking on sand dunes! Two inches or so should be sufficient for the cat’s needs, and you just have to be vigilant about cleaning the box out.

If you notice that your cat is not using the litter box as much as usual, you should go and take them to a vet right away. There are several health problems that can cause the cat to stop using the box. These issues include bladder problems, constipation and diarrhea.

To make sure your kitten is properly socialized to humans, begin early in his life, about ten to twelve weeks of age. Be sure that he is handled and petted by humans in his family and by others as well. When he is older, he will be a calmer, friendlier cat.

You cat will not be likely to be a finicky eater if you vary the type of food you are feeding from time to time. Keeping the same kind of food around most of the time makes it to where they only want that specific food.

Keep track of your feline friend by having the animal microchipped. This small device is implanted beneath the skin between your cat’s shoulder blades. Microchip implantation may sting for a few seconds, but the implant is otherwise unnoticeable and will not cause your pet any discomfort. This chip makes it easier for animal control to locate your cat if it goes missing.

Watch out for panting. Dogs love to pant. Panting can mean your cat is anxious or overheated, but it may also be something very serious. Make sure you contact a vet, especially if your cat has had respiratory problems in the past.

Make sure to feed your diet pet food specifically made for cats. While a bag of dog food might be cheaper pound for pound, it will not contain the necessary vitamins, minerals and especially protein content to keep your cats healthy. Giving a cat dog food on a regular basis can also cause kidney failure and other serious illnesses.

If you are looking for a new home for your kitty, consider registering with an online pet adoption agency. Some of these companies screen applicants, so you will be sure that your pet is going into a good home. This is better than selling him to a creep who lurks around Craigslist all the time.

Feed your cat nutritionally balanced foods and always make sure they have fresh water. The best way to have a happy and healthy cat is to give them the nutrition they need to be healthy. Talk to your vet about the best kinds of foods available and the proper amount to feed them.

Cats can make fantastic pets. To make sure your cat is happy and healthy, learn all you can. Read on to learn all of this information. You will enjoy a longer, fuller relationship with your small friend.

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